Italy exports great Olive Oil. Morroco exports great rugs. England's best export is crime dramas. In a bit of a surprising move, Games Workshop has added an entirely new imprint to their Black Library publishing arm. Welcome to Warhammer Crime. I did expect some genre crossover in Black Library's stories, but I didn't think that they would jump in with both feet.
Crime Dramas and Sci Fi are my two favorite genres. When I was young I picked up my dad's copy of Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov. I devoured it in two days and asked for the whole series. That being said, I don't need my crime dramas to all be Sherlock level. I even read most of the books written by the fictional TV author Richard Castle. I was curious to see the direction this new imprint by Black Library would take, and How Games Workshop would try and insert crime dramas into their typically militaristic or cosmically political universerve.of Wahammer 40,000. Now that you know a little bit of my point of view, let's take a look at Warhammer Crime's Bloodlines, by Chris Wraight.
Bloodlines takes us to the large Imperial city of Varangantua, which was also the setting of the Warhammer Crime anthology book, No Good Men. Probator Agusto Zidarov of the city police is tasked with finding an immensely wealthy family's missing son. Zidarov is thrust into an unusual world, as these families typically handle matters among themselves without enforcer involvement. He is soon thrust into the secretive world of corporate cartels where friends, enemies, legal, and otherwise are often one and the same.
If you love the tropes of a British cop thriller, this book is for you. Probator Agusto Zidarov has a strong morale compass, and follows it to the detriment of his job and family. He keeps a normal cast of characters around him to help in his investigations including a gadget guy, and some muscle that's willing to skirt the rules with Zidarov. Even though Zidarov is the pinnacle of tropes, that's exactly why I picked this book up. How does the prototypical British police protagonist fit into the world of Warhammer 40,000. This setting becomes a part of the story without ripping you out of it. There are Auspex Scanners, groundcars, the Church, Astropaths, and other things that any Warhammer fan will recognize. Varangantua becomes London with some 40k paint on top. No good Warhammer book would be complete without some heresy, and this story includes it without it making the story into something it's not.
I think Chris Wraight did a fantastic job with this book, and introducing us to the new character of Agusto Zidarov. I can't wait to dive back into the world of Varangantua and see what else the new Black Library Warhammer Crime imprint has to offer.
Crime Dramas and Sci Fi are my two favorite genres. When I was young I picked up my dad's copy of Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov. I devoured it in two days and asked for the whole series. That being said, I don't need my crime dramas to all be Sherlock level. I even read most of the books written by the fictional TV author Richard Castle. I was curious to see the direction this new imprint by Black Library would take, and How Games Workshop would try and insert crime dramas into their typically militaristic or cosmically political universerve.of Wahammer 40,000. Now that you know a little bit of my point of view, let's take a look at Warhammer Crime's Bloodlines, by Chris Wraight.
Bloodlines takes us to the large Imperial city of Varangantua, which was also the setting of the Warhammer Crime anthology book, No Good Men. Probator Agusto Zidarov of the city police is tasked with finding an immensely wealthy family's missing son. Zidarov is thrust into an unusual world, as these families typically handle matters among themselves without enforcer involvement. He is soon thrust into the secretive world of corporate cartels where friends, enemies, legal, and otherwise are often one and the same.
If you love the tropes of a British cop thriller, this book is for you. Probator Agusto Zidarov has a strong morale compass, and follows it to the detriment of his job and family. He keeps a normal cast of characters around him to help in his investigations including a gadget guy, and some muscle that's willing to skirt the rules with Zidarov. Even though Zidarov is the pinnacle of tropes, that's exactly why I picked this book up. How does the prototypical British police protagonist fit into the world of Warhammer 40,000. This setting becomes a part of the story without ripping you out of it. There are Auspex Scanners, groundcars, the Church, Astropaths, and other things that any Warhammer fan will recognize. Varangantua becomes London with some 40k paint on top. No good Warhammer book would be complete without some heresy, and this story includes it without it making the story into something it's not.
I think Chris Wraight did a fantastic job with this book, and introducing us to the new character of Agusto Zidarov. I can't wait to dive back into the world of Varangantua and see what else the new Black Library Warhammer Crime imprint has to offer.