It's all candles and bones this weekend as the Black Templars lead this week's pre-orders with the new Black Templars army set. We also have the new White Dwarf and a book from Black Library.
The "This Week In" video from the Games Workshop Youtube below!
What's in the box?

Black Templars Army Set
The poster children for grimdark get upgraded to the 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000. One of the most famous successor Chapters, these Imperial Fist successors are ready to return to battle with a slew of new rules and models.
This Black Templars Army Set from Games Workshop contains 13 miniatures. 12 of miniatures are making their debut in this box set. Inside you will find the newly redesigned Emperor' Champion, with his trusty sidekick, the Marshal. These Black Templars are bolstered with a Primaris Crusader squad, which includes: four Neophytes, five Initiates and a Sword Brother. The ever devout Space Marines Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought is also included in this kit to back up these holy warriors with some serious firepower.

Also included is a Black Templars transfer sheet which includes 226 decals for your Space Marines to show how devout they are.
Also in the Army Set, is the first copies of Codex Supplement: Black Templars. This copy of the Codex Supplement includes an exclusive cover, featuring the classic Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition artwork by John Blanche.
Codex Supplement: Black Templars is an 80-page book that contains all the lore and rules to get started. Contained inside are the new rules that cover Templar Vows, Passions, new Stratagems, wargear, Relics, and of course, a crusade section.

Lastly, a set of Black Templars datacards are included. Inside you will find cards for your core Stratagems, Black Templar specific Strategems, and Templar Vows.

The Black Templars Army Set goes up for preorder next Saturday at 10am Pacific.
White Dwarf 469
The October issue of White Dwarf features Seraphon on the cover. Seraphon lead the way with new rules for Path to Glory, and importantly, Matched Play.
Thousand Sons make their first entrance into the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team with a set of rules to create a Warpcoven Kill Team.

Black Library Siege of Terra: Mortis
The Horus Heresy: Siege of Terra continues with a paperback release of Mortis, by John French. Legio Mortis and Legio Ignatum do battle at the Mercury Wall.